Gun Radar Technology Is Huge Threat To Personal Liberty
As Americans buy more guns, they are also taking those guns to more places. Every state except Illinois (and Washington, D.C.) now issues concealed carry permits, and Illinois lawmakers are working on legislation to remedy that this month. Since 2009, with help from the NRA, state legislators around the country have pushed through at least 100 bills to loosen gun restrictions, including laws that allow adults to carry concealed weapons at churches, sporting events, elementary schools, bars, national parks, and on college campuses.
But if we can’t stop people from buying, or printing, guns, it might help to know when and where they are packing. At least that’s the logic behind a new gun-detecting radar technology that would allow virtually anybody to find a concealed weapons, even in large crowds.
Created by University of Michigan electrical engineering professor Kamal Sarabandi with funding from the Department of Defense, the technology pairs polarimetric radar with Doppler radar signal processing to identify an individual who might be carrying a weapon. “
This Gun Radar Could Make Concealed Carry Obsolete